Lou's Diary
A little prince, not quite like the others
  Hello, I am a little boy who only sees right with his heart...
Which doesn't make my parent's daily life any easier. So I'm blind and different (mentally speaking).




« january 2005 »



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Lou and the wind


Welcome to Lou's blog

This blog was born in french during autumn 2003 and is now progressively being translated in your language.

New articles will therefore appear on a regular basis.


... my apologies to the people who hadn't understood this yet, all articles on this website are created and written by myself (his dad).

Lou is currently unable to do it,, just like he is to this day unable to grasp the concept of a "computer", "internet", or to focus for a long period of time on a conversation. Only time will tell us if we manage to integrate him completely in the world in which he lives.

Therefore all stories, despite relating actual facts, are obviously biased by my interpretation of his behavior. But having known him for over five years, I don't think I'm getting it wrong.

Want to know more ? Check out the "read me" page.

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Thank you to the "Roi Baudoin" foundation ( "Parcours hors pistes" ). The new design, hosting and translations were partially made possible by their financial support.
Many thanks to Marco Pappalardo et Laetitia Bouet for the translation.


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saturday 22 january 2005

Welcome to Lou's blog

If you like this blog, Please, help me to let it discover to the english web community.

Kind Regards,
Lou's daddy.
By Luc Boland :: samedi 22 janvier 2005 at 11:40 :: Info :: #50 :: rss

Your comments

Hello Lou, it has been a pleasure meeting you young man. I have just spent the better part of an hour reading about your incredible life. I admire your spirit, your courage and your love of family and life. You have a loyal and loving family. With your permission Lou, I have added your "journey" in a link on my blog. If, you do not want me to keep the link, just email me and I will take it down. I will be back again to read about your very "special" life. Love to you all.

dimanche 16 janvier 2005 at 06:24, comment from vegemiterules :: email :: site :: #

What a beautyful boy you are, my son is turning 6 tomorrow, it is such a fun age to be. Take care, and I will mention you on my blog also.

lundi 17 janvier 2005 at 14:12, comment from VirginWriter :: site :: #

Hello Lou! I found you through vegemiterules website. What a precious little man you are! I have read all about you that is printed in English (because I live in the United States and don't know French). Your Mommy and Daddy are very lucky to have such a beautiful little boy like you. I hope you and your new kitten are getting along better. I have two cats and two dogs. They are always wanting me to love them and play with them. I will check back with you to see how you are doing if that is okay with you. I will also write about you on my blog so that maybe more people will read your diary and learn to look at the world a little differently.

lundi 17 janvier 2005 at 23:00, comment from stephie :: email :: site :: #

I am also in the United States and discovered you through vegemiterules blog. I have not got to read as much as I wanted to yet, but have bookmarked you and will be back. My best to you and your family.

mercredi 19 janvier 2005 at 13:15, comment from daisy :: #

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