G'day Luc, very well said my friend. I have a 21 year old nephew who was born without one eye (the eye socket was bare), and blind in the other eye, he was born without an oesophagus as well, along with a lot of other physical problems. But he was lucky Luc, he was the youngest Australian to have a "cornea" transplant that gave him "partial vision" in his eye. He had three "cornea" transplants, but the last one he had, the eye exploded and died. He now has two beautiful blue glass eyes. He had part of his "bowel" transplanted to give him an osesophagus. He still has "physical" problems that he has to live with, but he is able to live a life full of experiences. Even though he is totally blind, he is going to University and learning how to traverse the City of Melbourne. It takes all kinds Luc to make this world go round, you have a special family, I just thought that I would share this part of my family with you. I understand what you mean, Lou has not had the pleasure of seeing how we inter-react with people with our facial expressions, so therefore what you see is very genuine when he does express how he is feeling through his lovely face. Take care Luc, will come back again soon xoxo |