When I'm ill, it's a national affair ! It's like dealing with a baby (despite the fact I'm five years old) : since I have trouble expressing myself clearly, the only thing I can do is cry or get angry because I'm hurting. These are the only symptoms of my general state, besides fever or external symptoms (runny nose etc...) So figuring out what's wrong isn't easy for my parents. At best I'll say "it hurts", but without specifying where.
But newsflash, since the day before yesterday, I actually gave mommy a piece of information (I reckon I hadn't been doing too well for the past 48 hours). I told her : "Lou is sick". After a patient inquiry (daddy and mommy kept asking me where it hurt, but to no avail), I finally managed to clarify it was the ear.
Earing is a big deal for me ! I can't afford a pierced eardrum... (it's my main "tool"). So we rushed to the doctor. Diagnosis : otitis.
So here I am with even more medications (and I hate that liquid stuff they putin my ear... I can't hear a thing and I can't move !). Anyway I'm under house arrest (some time at Granpa's, some time at home) for a couple of days.
That's life ... Fortunately I have a rather strong constitution : I am rarely ill ... except lately !